Monday, August 31, 2009

Memorable Zachary Quotes

Just a few of the more poignant phrases uttered by our little man that have stuck with me (Kelly).

After seeing a helicopter while waiting for the bus: "Do you know I rode in a helicopter once; it was after I was born when I popped out of mommy's belly." What?

On the way to McDonald's after putting on a new shirt he thought was especially cool: "The food-givers are going to think I look awesome!" (food-givers == McDonald's employees). Displays a mind that knows what it wants to say even when it lacks a certain broadness of vocabulary. Also, a great deal of respect for people who serve dinner in a box with a toy.

After spinning around in the bath tub while the water let out: "I thought I was just going to swirl down into the drain."

Tear-jerker: "Daddy, I love you like the sky loves the clouds." Poetic genius.

Several times during the Riverdance performance in Dublin: "Daddy, I just like the girls more the boys." Well said.

Told to the pastor after the children's sermon: "I sneaked a apple from the fruit bowl." Must have been a huge relief to get that off his chest.

Shouted while crying hysterically after falling down: "I wish I didn't have knees!"

Somewhat related comment from the next day after bumping his head on the wall hard enough to make a pretty loud bang: "I wish my head was fluffy." That one got him laughing so hard he forgot about the injury. I enjoyed the fact that he recognized that he needed a head (unlike knees).

Praying the night after he started using "big kid toothpaste" that you spit out when you are done with: "Thank you God for toothpaste and spitting out the stuff".

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